Charmaine Verhagen

За мене

Charmaine Verhagen
 Charmaine Verhagen
За мене:
I have 2 children back home in South Africa but since there was no opportunity for work there, I had to leave the country. I have embraced the challenge of working in a foreign country and loving the new culture and learning new things about myself. I came to China with an open mind and an open heart and that is how I will spend my time here.
Живеење во:
Zibo (China)
English, French, Afrikaans
53 години
China, Zibo


My interests are varied, I can be a nerd but I also love adventure.
Омилена музика:
Rock bands, Daughtry, Nickelback, Seether but have a variety of other favourites too
Омилени филмови:
Classics like Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Shindlers List and of course Disney Movies!!!
Омилени книги:
Anything, I LOVE to read both novels and Non Fiction to expand my knowledge
Работи кои ги сакам:
Positive people, having fun, learning new things, living life
Работи кои ги мразам:
Negative people, people who complain about their situation but wont do anything to change it.
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