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Looking for a Deutsch Tandem

Pubblicato in Heidelberg forum

I'm looking for a Deustch Tandem, someone who can help me with my german. I've been in Germany for over three years, work keep me pretty busy, so I don't have time to practice/study german. We can meet at night, right after my work or weekends.. thats not a problem because I own a car :)

I'm a 27 woman, working as a Workforce Preparation Specialist in HD

  • Vai al profilo di philipo kalucci

    pubblicato da  in Heidelberg forum  

    Hello i am very much willing to help you in your German language so you can improve without facing the difficulties you are facing now. I will could come over and stay with you that's if you wish and devote my time teaching you. Ilive in berlin.

    Thanks and waiting to read from you.

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