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Has anyone attended or knows anyone who has studied in Tech??

Hozzászólva Új-Zéland fórum

Good day folks, I'm looking for people who already have experience in TECH Technological University. Would you recommend TECH Technological University to other students interested in improving their resume? Why? Thanks

  • Menj Hernan Sandoval profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Estudie en TECH y super recomiendo las formaciones posgrado, yo hice dos maestrías y el material es de excelencia y los docentes impecables.

  • Menj Natalia Pinzón Hernández profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    It has been a very interesting course, and what is very important for me, it is very practical in which you learn perfectly the functions for a professional related to the economy.

  • Menj Felipe Mayorga profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Tech presents us with several formations and focused on each area, I for example am a professional in animal health and I have completed a master's degree in veterinary dentistry and has complemented my studies perfectly, recommended!

  • Menj Elizabeth Herreño profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Hi Celia, I had the opportunity to study at TECH. At the time I was completely unfamiliar with the university, it was just by chance that I ended up studying there and I don't regret the experience. Although it was for a very short time, I learned a lot, and thanks to that I was able to climb the ladder in the company where I was working at the time.

  • Menj Juana delgado profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    It has been a very interesting course, and what is very important for me, it is very practical in which you learn perfectly the functions for a professional related to the economy.

  • Menj Luis David Mora Caina profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Tech is the best university, im student recommend

  • Menj Mike Henderson profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Good day I would recommend TECH because it is a university that ensures the quality of education, I as a student I have noticed this effort thanks to this greatly improve my skills for my daily work, it is highly recommended worldwide.

  • Menj Asnar Elnar profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Hey, I recommend the university because it offers very complete content and its times are adapted to yours. I'm a former student and I can assure you that it's a good option.

  • Menj Camille Moreau profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Hi, I do recommend it, it has very updated content, it's a good option!

  • Menj Alejandra Álvarez profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Új-Zéland fórum 

    Nutritious content and easy learning through pdf and videos. Easy access to the agenda and the platform. I recommend it if you are working and want to continue training
