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German men

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I'm hearing lots of terrible stories about German men and their lack of romance. Is this true? Anybody got any "real-life experience"? :-)

  • hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    Thanks for the article. I'm married to a German guy for almost 6 years and what is written in this article is very true. German men do not like superficial talks, no matter how good looking you are, or how big is your bank balance, they don't care if you are simply ignorant. If you both are students then don't expect him to pay your bill, Germans hardly ask their parents to finance their higher education so it is quite normal that he expects you to split the bill. On the other hand if you date working guy then its true he will pay the bill but if he does not then there is a chance that he does not like you (or he will make you his friend but not his girl friend...)

    German guys are shy but in parties they get some courage to talk with girls. I never met any German who was pushy, it was more than a small comment to let them know that I'm not interested and they respected that.

    I agree German man is not romantic, he will not sing any song or write a poem for you, even he will not cuddle you in nice evenings but he will be honest to you.

    Like in any culture there are also some jokers kind of German men, luckily they are rare and you will recognize them and I bet you wont go for a date with them ;-)

  • Menj Lin Liri profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    This topic just put a smile on my face : )
    I wish I were luckier when it comes to "love and german men". The ones I've met so far have all the (e-hem) "qualities" you don't want to find in a man.
    Still, I can't say anything really bad about them... they were good boys with a sweet soul after all!
    Unfortunately just now I find myself with a broken heart because of another german man... Well I guess it can happens and that's the life, isn't it?!
    Maybe I should just give up on them and run away next time I meet one and wants a date hehe

  • Ms Arni

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    This discussion kinda funny, sometimes make me remember abt my german guy :D

  • angie gal

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    lmao ..that is really funny!!awesome!

  • hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    we talk on facebook. sometimes im not sure if he likes me or he's just acts that way cause he's german

  • Menj NITA 9300 profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    How do you keep in contact? Are you in America? You have to understand that he is from a different culture and will not behave like American men.

    I lost my German, and hoping to get him back soon. Working on it. When we started dating I didn't understand his ways so I came looking for answers. I wish I had someone with knowledge help me then. I understand and have learned so much since the breakup. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  • hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    he lives in karlsruhe. i just wanted to understand him better

  • Menj NITA 9300 profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    Hi Spence,

    Don't worry, what part of Germany is your guy from? Is he living in the States or in Germany? Did you have any questions?

  • hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    wow ,I dont know if I should be worried or scared after reading all of this, I just wanted to learn more about german men so I can better understand my german guy.

  • jacqueline Rosso

    hozzászóló:  itt Németország fórum 

    i do love my germans guys
