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Uitzendbureaus willing to hire English speakers, Rotterdam and North-Brabant

Hozzászólva Hollandia fórum


I'm looking for employment agencies that hire also people who don't speak dutch. I think Rotterdam is the most likely place to find a job near where I'm living, but also possible cities are Breda, Tilburg and Dordrecht at least. If someone knows any employment agencies in these places, all the information would be more than welcome!


  • Dan Fab

    hozzászóló:  itt Hollandia fórum 

    Your information can be very helpful!!
    i'm here in rotterdam for search a job!!

  • Mara .

    hozzászóló:  itt Hollandia fórum 

    Hi Pyra,
    try to contact the Expatdesk (in almost every bigger city like Amsterdam or Rotterdam). They can give you useful information on websites etc. and have a look also here:


  • Dan Fab

    hozzászóló:  itt Hollandia fórum 

    Hi, take a look here....

  • Menj Pyry Larivaara profiljához

    hozzászóló:  itt Hollandia fórum 

    Oh, and one more thing. Does the public employment service also deal jobs for English speakers, or is it only for Dutch speaking people?
