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Review of Kuwait

Poslano u Kuvajt forum

I just returned from a long stay in Kuwait, and I can't begin to think of a starting point to rant about my experience.
I was in Kuwait for one full year. I stayed in Salmiya, at a fairly nice residence. From the moment I arrived, I was appalled at how many of the expats and foreign nationals were treated by the Kuwaiti nationals. My observation merely reinforced the idea that the Americans are only in the country for the security of the oil, and not to maintain the relations with the Kuwaiti nationals.
After interviewing several western nationals, it was quite evident that Kuwait is a country that the Arab Community turns a blind eye to when it comes to human rights violations. If a woman has been hired in the Philippines as a receptionist or a bank executive, she will most certainly find herself being used as an abused maid or a sex slave, as this was my findings in several cases.
In conclusion, Kuwait is by far one the worst places to ever except a job. Some of my fellow Jordanians believe that if there was a nation of infidels and hypocrites it would be known as Kuwait.

  • Nick Ryan

    Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Well it can't be native, I'm was born in America obviously. Cyrillic is a challenging mistress.

    We forgive your use of the English language on this board just the same, I hope you'll extend the same grace to my language skills.

    Јас не планирам на него сепак. Thanks much for the song!

  • Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Wow really great . I believe this is not a Google translator.
    While we are still making clear the Balkans :)) check the languages below. There is Macedonian language which is absolutelly not acceptable...
    Especially for you a song by the wife of Željko Ražnatović Arkan.

  • Nick Ryan

    Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Сум заборавила нешто повеќе за твојот дел од светот, тогаш што некогаш ќе знам за мојот. Наздравје!

  • Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    I mentioned natural gas but not oil in my message.
    Anyway i dont need to visit Google to get to know what goes on.
    And if you have been here you would know that we might be informed
    not only in our native language /like yr english/ but in perfect Russian and all languages on the Balkans since by some historical facts people on
    the Balkans may talk in 7 different languages and they all
    understand each other.
    If you really believe that it has been just a genocide you must be really
    happy u have helped much and i would not break your dream
    by any posts here.

  • Nick Ryan

    Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Full scale and wanton ethnic genocide. Remember that?

    Yes, you guys did allow the bombing of your cities in that part of Europe by the Serbs for a long time in the 1990's. Why?

    In regards to your "pipeline", get on Google and find the proven oil reserves of the Balkans, or better yet the former Yugoslavia as a whole, combined. Then find out what America's proven reserves are. While you're there, research how much of Russia's (yes, Russia) oil flows through the Balkans. Oh, and see how much of that goes to American importers/exporters and what part goes elsewhere. Its a good read, and eye opening for those not in the know.

    I'm sick of people accusing my Country of alterer motives when we dish out more in aid each year then the entire GDP of the countries that accuse us of wrongdoing. I'd love to have a conversation on the merits of our nations involvement with each other based in fact. The truth is the base of an intelligent conversation. In a world where Google is the most visited website in the world, there's no reason to believe we can't arrive at some semblance of the truth before we delve into right and wrong. America does not have a monopoly on being right. But neither do you, or those who blindly accuse us of things we did not do, or have no intention of doing.

    Happy reading, and I hope you enjoy your evening as well.

  • Angelo Iorio

    Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Ever hear of a happy go lucky fellow named Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

  • Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Hello Nick,
    dont forget about the narco- and gas highway. It is very important who will control the territory.That was the main reason for the military theatre on the Balkans.
    Else, i think there is not a normal brain who would bomb european cities
    and hit their population and old european architecture.
    Have a nice Sunday evening.

  • Idite na profil od aisha the librarian

    Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    your right and you have a point...
    We would all like is PEACE but mr. alan keddani would not...
    but he have a freedom to write what ever he want but we hopely no impact to others...

  • Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Hi Dear,
    There will be natural changes on the Earth no matter what our wishes are.
    I just asked a futuristic question. This is not The world conspiracy against you personally.

  • Nick Ryan

    Poslano od   u Kuvajt forum 

    Heavy on words they heard someone else say and low on intelligence, the fools wade into waters they don't understand, easily dismissing topics far beyond their limited intelligence and world view with answers designed to appeal to their simple minds. This is the most unfortunate and ignorant conversation that I've ever seen take place anywhere, both online and in real life. The universe is offended at the pandering and general stupidity expressed on these pages. I've never been so convinced of anything in my entire life.

    Saying anyone, no matter who, is in Kuwait for the security of oil is foolish, and only a fool would say or think such a farce. I won't even waste the keystrokes to dispel such foolishness, I'll only say that world needs fools to be easily tricked into thinking such nonsense. It was as false a lie in 1991 as it is today. My countrymen fought and died in the Balkans. Where, prey tell, is the oil there? Where is the oil in Korea, where over 4 times the American soldiers then are stationed in Kuwait make their home? Oil, surely. Same for the Phillipeenes, Japan, Bahrain, Turkey, Germany and others right?. Shall I go on? Fools.

    Saying that the oil will never run out is also a fools game, since the world is a finite place bound by the constraints of the space and time continuum and natural resources will not last forever. This is a fact readily acknowledged by all in Kuwait, to include the government here. They have a plan for when that happens, and are working on the beginnings of it, to be launched in 2020. Do you know what it is? of course not, but I do. Read the newspaper before you make preposterousness statements based on idle chatter.

    Judging the merits of a country not your own is also folly. Concern yourself with your homeland. The people of every Nation have the right to make their country any way they like. Who is anyone to throw stones? Concern yourself with places and things that are real and where you a son or daughter of that place. Leave America to the Americans, Germany to the Germans, and Kuwait to the Kuwaitis.

    And leave the idle chatter to the confines of your home, and to people with the perspective and brain power to process information in a way that makes sense in reality. If the shoe fits your foot, then wear it.

    I hope everyone enjoys their stay in Kuwait.

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