Takaisin Belgia -foorumiin

timeline for fiancee visa?

Lähetetty Belgia foorumi

hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • Siirry ZD Pardo:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Finally, I'm done with the fiancee visa blog..I haven't edited it yet for any grammatical what not..but I know you all want to see it up online already so I posted it now. Here is the link.

    Again, good luck to both of you! God bless..

  • Anna Liza Gural

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Of course Desert Vixen! we will update each other for any progress on our fiancee visa. Whew! nice to always know you are not the only person in this earth dealing with this situation.

    what a breathe of fresh air indeed!

  • Desert Vixen

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Hey ZD Pardo, I just read your blog. And it was very informative. Wow. You're so cool. :) I really admire you for sharing your experiences with us. It's such a great help to at least know about someone else's experience as a point of comparison. And like what Anna Liza said, I am also going to share mine once I have a positive result too.

    Now I understand why it came kinda easy for you to have approved visa. You go to the US from time to time and I guess that tells a lot about you not having intention to do some "TNT" stints. Hehehe. I hope you can finally finish your blog about the fiance visa. Can't wait. :)

    And to Anna Liza,
    Let's keep other posted, shall we? I hope we both get a positive result. Very soon. *wink*

  • Anna Liza Gural

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Seriously! this is what we call helping hands.. ZD Pardo i truly salute you! for us hopefuls in obtaining information to plan accurately during the process of the Fiancee Visa, you really did an excellent job here for us.

    I do promise to follow your footsteps in reaching out to others like me one day. We do apologize for the inconveniences we are giving you but we do know you understand it better than anyone else.

    warm regards.


  • Siirry ZD Pardo:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Hello beautiful ladies,

    I am just halfway through my blog about fiancee visa.. Now I am more inspired to finish it because of you two :D.. I will just do some errands first, (I am planning a dinner menu for some guests) but I promise to resume and finish my blog entry ASAP. For now I am done with the visit to a friend visa ~ here is the link (http://onedayatatimewithwowie.blogspot.com/2011/05/visit-vi
    sa-processing-to-belgium.html). You can share this to people you know who is also processing the same. The part 2 (fiancee visa) will be tomorrow (crossing my fingers). Good luck on your application ladies.

    Glad to be of help.

  • Anna Liza Gural

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Hello ZD Pardo!

    I am very much inspired with the process you and your fiance went thru with the Fiancee Visa. Congratulations indeed!

    I had been following your updates and if you can be so kind to share the link on the fiancee process to me too.

    I filed my application for the fiancee visa last March 2, 2011. would it help if i call the embassy once in awhile to check on the status of my application?

    One thing, i just wonder if there is a shorter process on the fiancee visa.. what i meant was, instead of 5 months, maybe 3-4 months?..is it depending if both parties are single?.. or belgian fiance is separated and filipina is single?..

    i appreciate your time!


  • Siirry ZD Pardo:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    There are various reasons why Fiance visa is denied. And as you said, it's a case to case basis. I think one basic requirement is that a couple has to prove that they are in a relationship for at least a year before applying for visa. And for that, the embassy will be asking proofs that you are really together like his visits to you (or your visits to him), the letters or cards (snail mail or email), chats, conversations on phone (through phone bills), etc. Most of the time, they ask how many times you have seen each other? When, where, and how you met? and so many questions (You will have a very thorough Q&A with the visa officer 5-6 weeks after you lodge the application). If the couple hasn't personally seen each other (but only through videoconferencing in the net) then that can be a ground for visa denial. In my case, my husband and I have been together since 2009 before applying for the visa and getting married and he visited Philippines 3 times and I visited Belgium once.

    I just finished writing a blog about my experience in processing visit visa (i will PM you the link) and tomorrow (if time permits) I will write about my experience in processing the fiance visa. Hopefully to send you the link tomorrow.

    Good luck to your application and God bless.


  • felGUY ****

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Hello Desert Vixen,
    Regarding with your inquiry, It would be good if you and your BF meet in real. Atleast 3 times.I had some friends who only submitted screen shots from skype is not yet the basis. They wanted to see the hotels where did you stay both.And pictures wherein both of you are together.
    I guess it would take 3 to 4 months for fiancee visum.
    I am also applied for to visit a friend visum. I was interviewed last April 28,2011. And now I am waiting for the result.
    Hope you can get visum.
    Keep in touch

  • Desert Vixen

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Hi ZD Pardo,

    OMG. I am so freakin' envious! Hehehe! I am so happy for you though. I lodged my application for a Fiance visa on March 31, 2011. It was registered at the Immigration Service of Belgium on April 7, 2011 so now we're just waiting and waiting.

    I have a question for you. What do you think are the possible reasons why a Fiance visa is denied? I have submitted a very thick envelope to the embassy with all our pictures and screen shots of Skype conversations, Facebook messages and wall posts (including messages from his mom and his aunt to me and my mom's messages to him.) Do you think that will be good enough to prove our relationship? Well, I know you cannot really tell for sure 'cause everything depends on the decision of the Immigration Service of Belgium. But how about for your case, how much proof did you provide them with? And also, how long did it take the Embassy to finally release your visa? I mean normally, they will call you and say that your visa was approved and they ask you to come the following week. Did they immediately give it to you or did you have to wait more days for some additional processing? Did you show them the travel insurance on the day that you had to get your visa?

    Sorry if I have so many questions. I'm just very nervous about it. My fiance and I badly wish to be together on our first anniversary which is on June 12. So we're desperately hoping that things are gonna go fast.

    I'd very much appreciate your reply on this. Thanks in advance. :)

  • Siirry ZD Pardo:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Belgia foorumi 

    Hi Felipe,

    I think your letter is addressed to me? Anyway, I'm working on writing a blog about my experience in visa processing in Manila for both visit and fiancée visa to Belgium. I will PM you the link as soon as I'm done with it. To answer your questions, yes I'm in Belgium now. Did the embassy ask to show money? -- No. How many days should you apply? -- It depends on your purpose. For my visit visa, I applied for 14 days to tour places and meet the family. Good luck on your application..


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