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Are Chineses guys uptight or just shy?

Postitatud Hiina foorum

A friend there told me that they are really not seductive guys and that they are not comfortable when they talk to woman... Why?

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  • Daniel Otero

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    Thank you for the correction. I didn't mean you directly as a person. I believe you are extremely smart and open minded. My intention was to say that a great people like yourself cannot only be measured by what they say; however, by what they do.

    And life is getting better in China, it just takes time...



  • Daniel Otero

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    Well said...

  • Daniel Otero

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    Good point, I didn't think about it in that way. But you exposed one of the biggest truths in the world, money isn't everything.

    But you have something also very important needed in the world, an open mind.

    Keep these ideas alive...

    Take care,


  • Ziyao Gao

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    Daniel, if you just knew my by a few words, how could you just say i am not a open guy? ha-ha
    I think Karl Jung (the student of Freund) once difined the character of human beings in modern society into generally 4 different types, one of which behaves like active, open, easy going with strangers and so on. I guess maybe you mean that. It could appear everywhere, right?
    To my understanding, it is important for the people to be warm to strangers, but it is even more important to keep a open mind, to learn, to listen, not to be arrogant and do self-criticizing. All that still can be done by a "shy" guy. Like here in Germany, there are a lot of shy people as well, but after a long time, you find they could be very nice guys.
    I am still happy to hear you say so much nice words about chinese, since you found that, i think you already try to listen to a silent nation.
    by the way, Tang dynaty lasted from 618 CD to 907 CD.

  • lesley zhang

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    thanks for reply,Daniel,it is very cool talk about chinese here,I am a chinese woman,here I saw you answered a chinese young man too.from what you showed the numbers about happy society in western world,most chinese are very satisfied with life now, we live very new and big apartment, and our kids can go to nice schools.we see there will take great changes in China as our kids grow up, I see that from my son and his friends, classmates, they are very brave and confident ,they can say no to others when they don't like,they have their own ideas and thinking.we can't influence is very different from my generation,as my son becomes a man, he won't be a shy man I am see now most chinese young guys very tall and attractive ,hehe

  • Ziyao Gao

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    i know what i said would be against the value... and I think 90% Chinese may also agree with you.
    But i believe happiness does not really depend on the quality of life (of course there is the relation, you cannot live in the war), that was what I felt in Germany, after 5 year, i would still not call most of them happy. Maybe in Vacation yes, but the rest time always too much stress... Some german guys agree with me about that, some not.
    Dont rely too much on questionnaire, how could man compare the happiness of the people who have totally different way to feel and express their happiness?

    have a nice day
    yours Ziyao

  • Daniel Otero

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    You are not too open, you are just being yourself. Be proud. Chinese are a good and great people. It just takes time for others to understand this.

    I recall the Tang Dynasty, and once they wrote some 3,500 years before books on the "Art of Love" and "The Way of Tao".

    You are doing fine... Maybe because you have different experiences than most Chinese; therefore, it makes you more open. But out of 10 people in China, usually 1 to 3 are more open and this is a fact. This has nothing to do with culture, but with education, openness and exposure to the outside world. When this happen, it will all fall into place.

    And still, Chinese are a kind and giving people and this alone makes them great. Good luck to you...


  • Daniel Otero

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    Read the facts, China is a developing country and quality of life is getting better; however, it has a long way to go. Especially for the people living in Western China.

    Highest countries in happiness and quality of life are: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany followed by France and Spain. It continues with Bahrain, South Africa, Malaysia, Brazil and ending with America.

    Actually on the list, China is 77 in quality of life and people whom are happy.

    The worse in the world or unhappiest places are: Democratic Republic of Congo and along Central Africa, where life expectancy is only 35 years of age. And that is because of constant wars. They are at the bottom of the list, like 194 or 195. The top countries in happiness and quality of life are in the second paragraph. Enjoy...



  • Daniel Otero

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    I believe you are right. Chinese are great people, even with their shyness, they are generous. However, to more successful business practices, learn a language or deal with foreigners, you must be less shy. This is something that the new generation has to do when they start having children, while in their teens teach them confidence. And the rest of Chinese society will be alright!



  • Ziyao Gao

    postitaja  sees Hiina foorum 

    With our girls, we also date, falling in love and any one of Chinese has a lot of friends. The Chinese who has not lived for long time in western countries may not feel, in fact, i think China is really a happy country. Even the people dont earn too much money are happy everyday.

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