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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland??

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Is it just me or is it really hard to find some people in Switzerland who are willing to make good friends with you (especially to foreigners)??
I've been there for only 6 months and I heard you need at least 3 months to completely settle down there so maybe I've been there just too short...what do you think?

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  • Claudio Enggist

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 


    After quite some time I came back here and read through the posts in this forum. My goodness! I must be struck with complete blindness that I never realized what a horrible people we Swiss seem to be. At least that's the impression one could get, when reading most of the posts here. Guys, if this is such a horrible place to live in: why are you here? What is your motivation to waste valuable time of your life in a country that you loathe so much? Have the guts and make changes in your life - and leave, for your own sanity. Let's face it: this country will not change to your liking in the next few months. But if you decide to stay here: then quit complaining and step out of your culture bubble! We are different - like all cultures. In order to get to know our culture, you need to invest time and lots of energy. Yes, it is bloody hard to make friends in Switzerland. Yes, many are closed and it is difficult to break the hard shell to get to the soft inside. But I know from many foreigners, who live here, that they considered it worthwhile. As I wrote in my post almost at the beginning of this discussion, it takes a lot of effort to make friends. Learn the language and become active in your neighborhood. Join a sports club or an association that meets your interests and hobbies. But please, stop throwing around generalities and stereotypes here. Rather start asking questions of things you do not understand. I am sure, there are plenty of users here, who would actually be willing to give you some clues.


  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του steven wenger

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    you are lucky then. im under 30 and people of 20-25 are more closed to new people like i had writed before.
    and yes zurich is very diferent i writed that also in this post they are less rural even in zuri oberland and in zuri city you can see nice dressed people and nice bars you have the impresion to be in a rich place but bern no way bern looks more like a prehistoric farmer comunity.
    have you ever been in bern center,if you go to bern center compare how the people dress compared to zurich you will notice a shocking diference.walk around the train station of bern you can see some really strange people haha but better not at night can be dangerous.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Celina Zurich

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 


    yes, I go out with people from work, all more or less around 30, but certainly the topics we talk about is not work!
    True is, though, that other people I've met out from work only speak about work, and this is ok for a while, but c'mon, there are other topics to speak about, for sure!

    And for sure people from Zurich and Bern behave quite differently from what you say and what I've seen here.
    There are a lot of posh places in Zurich, where people dress nicely, where expensive drinks are taken, and where I don't feel at all a farmer atmosphere!

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του steven wenger

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    have you tried to meet swiss people out of your laboral area,i always said for swiss is all about their arbeit swiss will go out with their arbeits college to speak about more arbeit and arbeit and how proud they are of switzerland.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του steven wenger

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    hola celia gracias por tu respuesta

    i must say that zurich is diferent to bern or lausane or geneva,i believe you had good luck finding a job where people are friendly,in my work i have only older people than me so it,s dificult bern haves also much more a rural mentality they have a very ecologic and full of regulations form to live their boring lives,if you ar a little bit diferent to them they dont like that.berner are to simple farmer people they get even pissed of if you order a better drink than the cheapest beer,that the same if you dress a little better of them i had i friend frecking out becose i bought a 100 frank shirt .in spain or in zurich it,s normal to buy nice clothes you can make what you want with your money and people will not insolt you you have your personal fredom to spend your many like you want.
    you now what once i was painting my house y had a swetter some paint fold on top of the swetter i forgot to change the swetter when i went out to the bar next to my house the people looked me very diferent they where like a little bit more open,where i live you can see young girls wearing the same clothes all the time i think they dont take shower never haha it,s horible,people dress like of a other planet it,s normal to see people with holes in their shirts,some people look like they dont now the word shampoo or shower.
    it,s horible sad that swiss are so jealous redneck stubern and simple you must be exacly like them im not talking only of clothing it,s to have theyr mentality i respect green envorment but i want to have my fredom to go with a car somewhere,for some people thats a problem berner haves all full of velo fahrer that look you with killer view only if you are in a car.i think eco stuff is great i think ok take of chernobil recicle and that but i want to eat other things that coop bio products and use a car.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Celina Zurich

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    Hi again,

    I do not agree with the description you have made from the swiss guys and how they behave.
    maybe because I'm in Zurich and this is different from Bern?

    I'm having real good time with my work mates, they are both Swiss and Austrian, we go out to party, we have dinners, we go out to ski...

    As I said before, maybe it's just I'm lucky...

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του steven wenger

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    exacly you sayd it,you must have the stupid swiss profile to be acepted by swiss.that means to be talking about money work,no jokes,no smile,no charm,dont drive a car take the tram or velo,be ecologic,dont use plastic bags,be dressed like swiss that even use bio clothes,start exacly at 7 to work and work hard,after work go to sleep,dont spend money,be simple,dont even be late 1 min,eat only bio food,drink only bio swiss things,girls dont shave dont flirt dont smile.
    the swiss get mad if i travel to far distances they same but why to go out of switzerland if switzerland is so great and haves all ha ha and one of the last trips i went to usa to las vegas the swiss sayd are you crazy to take the plane and destroy the umwelt and to go to las vegas swiss hate extravagant things, and places that are fun nightlife not serious swiss bankers working atmosfeare.they even says that las vegas is such a bad city spending so much energie,bern is the darkest shithole on earth the hi way haves no lights the houses are dark the city of bern is grey at day people are gray and at night dark .
    swiss are really sick people .switzerland is like a golden gage.i dont recoment nobody to come here if people like ski and mountain austria have amazing landsapes and people are really friendly and smiling.
    france and germany are also better opcions than switzerland.
    it,s great that i find this forums i see that to many people think the same about swiss,but swiss will call us crazy becose they think they are the best assholes in the world

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του steven wenger

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    i was writing allready in this thread teeling about how most of swiss are,but now im even more angry how swiss really are why i tried to make friends every day im allready going over 2 weeks every day out to diferent places at night and at day i tried to speak to some swiss some of them talked back but shortly after they had a rare behavior they never invited me to sit next to them or introduced to the group they where many times mad when i tried to talk them or insolted me,yesterday was the worst day they insolted me they say -your poor stupid whitout friends go away from here f... you dont disturb use,after so a shity behavior i was really sad i was so friendly in this bar and after that.
    do you guys now what in this 2 weeks i was speaking to germans and english they inveted me to join their group and even wanted to invite me to a drink or asked me if i come whit them to a other place still to have a drink these people where tourist and they says how boring looks bern
    swiss are the most miserable closed people i ever saw in my entire life i have been in many coutry,s and any other coutry is similar to swiss in antisocial,closed mentality,lack of humor and racist the only nation that is not so bad integred in switzerland are italian,swiss mostly hate other euro countries like france germany the swiss dont repect that if they have a acident or something in 70 porcent of the cases a german doctor will help them,their turist economy comes thanks to the germans that work in hotels and restaurants and the people of sri lanka that cook and serve in so many restaurants,the money in banks comes thanks to the really rich rusians,arabs and other and more than half of the money is dirty money of criminal actions.
    i realised that specially people of early 20 and teens are the worst,they are so closed to people that are not of their arbeits kollege group or studente kreis.
    the disco ambient is horible and dangerous the only swiss going out are the tipical swiss huere geile man that dress in hip hop fasion whit they pants that look like they have sh..ed for a week inside their cap mostly holding a glass of swiss bad boy drink number one the gumiberli red vodka or the bottle of beer mostly its a feldschlosli or cardinal this kind of subjet have a very nice vocabulary becose al the words they says haves the word hure before, other words they say is slampe,geil,man,vodka,beer,facebook,club,dj,ficke...
    they mostly drive ugly tuned cars whit laud exhaust note
    this are the most nationalist and racist becose many times they see like the swiss gilrs flirt whit yugoslavian guys.
    this people are mostly students or military guys.
    this kind of guys you can find in many places in bern but specially they are at bars like leopard or propeller or the clubs like liquid.
    later on i will describe the other swiss the farmers and hard working swiss.

  • Daniel Novo

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 

    Well... it was also like that for me on the beginning. As I arrived. Today is a little different.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Celina Zurich

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Ελβετία 


    after reading the post I think I'm the luckiest person in Switzerland!
    My team mates are really good, taking care of me, as I'm the only foreigner, organizing dinners, drinks, going together to sky on the weekends...

    I agree that they are sometimes "special", with their own rules, their own behavours, their own culture, but I've found them quite easy-going.

    But maybe it's just I'm lucky...

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