Επιστροφή στην Γερμανία φόρουμ

German men

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Γερμανία

I'm hearing lots of terrible stories about German men and their lack of romance. Is this true? Anybody got any "real-life experience"? :-)

  • Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    am asking for advice from you since u seem honest.i have a german friend that ive known for an year and a half+we're really close(we go to movies tgather ect.) and even though hes not romantic(am a hopeless romantic),the oppsite of me but i love him.he smiles when he sees me,makes fun of me(but says sorry if i do get hurt from his harsh words),he is though the quite type and am not)when im with him alone i dont know what to say.he doent like his ex says shes a slut lol.and ive already told him that i like him and he said "i cant c us going more than being friends)he teases me about it and still is himself (i jumped on his back once just for fun once lol)did i forget to tell u he is so smart.do u think he doesnt know if he wants be as a friends so that we dont loss our friendship like my bf says or that their is a chance that he might like me"

  • Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    well i have a german friend and most the things the ladies wrote about are true but ur not that bad i mean i personally like men like that lol

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του A. Barber

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    Hi Nita,

    I have found German men to be very accepting and warm as well. I'm glad that you've found someone that has sparked your interest.The German culture is quite a different culture all together, however, all cultures, languages, and pre-dispositions aside: You are a woman and he is a man-let nature take its course.
    I can agree regarding your comment about German men and their interest. I have found them to be a very 'no nonsense' culture in general. It can be a bit refreshing at times. At other times...not so much-but that's where the fun begins ;).

    I'm not exactly sure why some women have had such a difficult time with German men (in this forum), or men in general. I find most successful relationships are grounded from interest and respect. Although my guy and I are complete opposites, we have similar backgrounds. It seems that our differences drew us to one another and our commonalities solidified that attraction.
    I'm only 27 and it's hard to assess why some relationships make it and some don't. I've had a few successful (by my definition) relationships and some not so successful one's. By successful I mean, even though things didn't work out, I still left the relationship with more than I entered into it with. But, I see each realtionship as a new experience and a new path on the road to something different. Not to say that I haven't sufferedd a broken heart but a broken heart will eventually heal, if you allow it to heal. I refuse to be swallowed by regrets and try to move forward.

    I, much to the dismay of my bf, don't believe in the notion of soul-mates or an all emcompassing love that conquers all. I think it is easy for people to forget that a relationship is work and there is no way around that. Everyone must determine whether or not the plunge into a new relationship is worth it because they are the onle one's who will have to deal with that decision. Things will get rough at times but that must be expected. I have found that the things in my life that I have worked the hardest for (that have challenged me the most), are yet, the most rewarding endeavors I have accomplished.
    I think most people are searching for something; as if life is a puzzle and they are trying to find all the pieces to complete it. I'm sure it works for some. My view is a bit different. I take things as they come and deal with them at that time. I try to avoid planning more than 2-3 years ahead for myself but, I have that luxury at this time in my life and I aware that this way of life and this way of thinking cannot last forever.
    So, how did you meet your new interest?

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του A. Barber

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    Your english is great. I understood your response perfectly.
    I can agree that sometimes money plays a role in in the happiness of people's lives and I understand the money is only paper, but it's value has caused many wars.
    For me, my most memorable or best moments vary. Some include money (my first car, working two jobs to finance for my education, my first pay raise-woohoo!) and others include more personal moments (new love, accomplishing a hiking goal, drowning my sorrows with friends at a local bar-lol). It is a case by case matter. Many people do not believe in the notion of love and even during these times marry for money, status, or stability (especially where children are involved), however their happines is their determination and no one else's.
    I agree that a realtionship must be equal but the scales of measurement always, in my opinion, differ in each situation. For instance: a woman (or man) chooses to remain at home for the sake of the family while one person supports the family; or,
    one spouse supports the other so the he/she can return to school to further their education; one falls ill..the list can go on. There are so many instances where the flow of cash can, unwillingly, dictate a relationship. It is very rare that many couples earn the same amount of money. Although the person earning less need not look to the other as a bank, the higher earning person will, willing or willingly, become the bank.
    To put my opinion in perspective, I work for a judge and a majority of our case load is dealing with divorces, custody disputes, legal seperations, and, annulments. So, although we may value our own positions and feel we have things figured out, I feell, we never really know who we are until those values must be applied. These times come at very pivotal moments in our lives and only then, do we find out who we truely are. I think it is easy to assess someone else's situation because we lose nothing in the assessment. We can express ouropinion on the matter by telling them how feel about what they are doing or by dictating what we believe is right or wrong without compromising ourselves.
    The point I am trying to make is everyone rates themselves using their own personal scale (most of the time). To expect other's to live their lives by your scale (your values, what you believe is right or wrong) can become troublesome.

  • Lucy T.

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    well Nita I think they re so frustrated cause they were cheatted on,also most of the times is because the guys were not interested at all and they kept insisting or the women wanted to have a finantial supporter instead of a husband or bf so OBVIOUSLY that didnt work.but theres a lil bit of everything...remember after all they re men,hehehe.no matter the hometown.lol!my fiancee,so far, is the awesomest person i could ever met and we re absolutely happy with each other :)

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του NITA 9300

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    A. Barber ,

    I too a Black American woman and find myself interested in a German guy. We are not involved but we do have great interaction together. He is a very warm and intelligent guy. I love his accent too. My toes curl when he speaks. I'm shy so he would never know this. Ha

    What I've noticed about German men is that, if they are not responding to you or treating you well, it's because they don't really want you. German men are by far the most likely out of any group of men to not string you along because they are too busy trying to get what they really want. In the cases I have seen. Clearly not true for all but from my limited experience.

    Why do you think your relationship is great and other women's are so frustrating?

  • Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    Sometimes, money is important, but only sometimes, the best things of your life you can not buy. It is normal, when you move to other country, you need help from your man, even economical help, but that is not a reason for marry. In a equal relationship you need not a man as a bank.
    When you remenber the best moments of your life, Is there money?? or maybe you remenber the time with your friends or family??

    Money is only paper, sorry I have not a good english.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του A. Barber

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    Because I am monolingual (temporarily, I swear :), I have been utlizing 'google translator' to understand many of the comments in spanish. So, forgive me if I have interpreted something incorrectly.
    I wanted to respond to a few of the notions regarding a foreigner moving to Europe. I have made the move to Europe specifically on behalf of my boyfriend. Although I am not destitute I am relying on him for some financial support. I am removed (physically) from family and friends and have decided to force myself to assimilate into a new culture to challenge myself both culturally and intellectually. In addition I need to determine how probable a future is with my new squeeze (blending two cultures is not an easy thing). With that I want to say that although moving to a new country,for whatever reason, may seem superficial to others, that we understand everyone (in some sense) does come from the same cloth (humanity) which unites us but the choices we make and paths we take are what creates the differences among us.
    In most instances, I believe that what you give, is what you get. Although I feel that money cannot buy me everything it may be all that someone else needs.
    Forgive me if I have misunderstood the argument.

  • Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    Pues eso que personalmente me da igual cual es la motivacion de cada una para casarse con un hombre, si una mujer tiene una situacion economica mala y su unica salida es venderse, vamos a llamar a las cosas por su nombre, pues vale, no es asunto mio, pero de ahi a decir que todas estamos cortadas por la misma tijera, lo siento pero no estoy deacuerdo ni de lejos, es una generalizacion demasiado grande.
    Quizas hace 50 años las mujeres elegian a sus posibles parejas basandose en motivos economicos o de posicion social, hoy en dia ambos factores no son determinantes puesto que partes de los mismos estandares y por tanto el status te lo puedes conseguir tu sola.
    En cuanto a lo de "conseguir bienestar en europa", bueno no sabria que decir, europa no es la panacea y muchas mujeres que vienen super enamoradas las pasan putas aqui, a fin de cuentas el "bienestar" no es solo dinero o una gran casa, es la familia, el apoyo social, los amigos, la cultura propia y el respeto de tu pareja. Lo demas es solo dinero y como dicen por mi tierra "el dinero es solo papel", vale mas una hora de tu vida con tus amigos al solecito con una cañita haciendo bromas, que tener un mercedes aparcado en la puerta. Europa, que dicho asi parece algo, es un sitio duro para vivir si no tienes apoyo, y una mujer que llega sola aqui, tan lejos de su familia y amigos, suele pasarlo mal hasta que se adapta, ya puede tu pareja proporcionarte una vida de lujo, que las cosas mas importantes de la vida no las compra el dinero.

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του patrick eso

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Γερμανία 

    truth is bitter,it is better be told that humanity can effect changes.Most people was growing up with different idealogical background of sterotyping, being too proud out of nothing,too much pretending to have all the right answers, mistake is not part of human being, what do you call that.I am a good listner and study people before I say anything.This world is free for open critic, this why have good democracy.I d´nt pretend because I am not perfect human.I am not stiff either, I rather engage people with opposite ideaology.I watch documantry but, I still Have some reservations in certain issues.I hate brain washing types, or" clihy denken".for me there are peverts.The need to visit outside their country ,atleast spend one year in another country just understand the basic things of life.By the time they are back to base the will start to diminish their nationalism philosophy.Take it or leave it.

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