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Processs to obtain CANADA VISA

Veröffentlicht in Kanada Forum

Dear Friends,

Can anybody please tell me the procedure for migration, If you want I can send you my CV also to check whether my profile is eligible to obtain canada visa or not. As I heard application need to qualify some points or something. If some one can help me would be greatful.

Currently I am in Saudi Arabia.

I am also seeking some one to be my friends, because I love to make new friends and to share my thoughts.

Amin Shaikh

  • Dendi Septiadi Soerjana

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    My name is Dendi Septiadi. I am Indonesian and live in Jakarta.
    i read your conversation with other frends related to Canada immigration mater and seems that your have good knowledge on this.
    I am trying to migrate to Canada and i have requested assistance from a lawyer firm, as they are expert on assisting people, to have Permanent Residency. yes, they are asked for fee for this assistance.
    by their help, i have submitted my canadian Permanent Residency application. But after waiting for 18 months, i was informed that my PR application were returned by the Canadian immigration due to there were changes in immigration terms. My CV were now count as not eligible. My agent told me my application were not rejected, but it was returned. According to them if any application returned, means that i an re submitte my application as terms and rule immigration is still unstable. It can be changed anytime to new regulation.
    Considering my child education and their future, i need to migrate to CAN, now i am looking for a job that could support me to have Canadian Permanent Residency...
    At present i am still working in a bank and my wife is graduated frm Nursing School.

    Many thanks for your kind help

  • Gehen Sie zu Juan Molinaris Profil

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    You DON'T need to pay anybody in order to get a visa to Canada. Go to the government site and all the necessary steps are explained there. But be very, very careful, and think deeply before taking a decision to migrate to Canada. The Canadian immigration system is a SCAM! Chances are that you will see yourself underemployed our unemployed here.

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    I may be able to help you immigrate to Canada if you were financially covered (have settlement funds and application fees), and that is subject to your pre-assessment.

    Immigration visa is not a work visa.
    Immigration visa leads to citizenship, work visa is the one you hold right now in Dubai.

    Contact me only if you are financially covered and you want an immigration visa.

  • mohamed masood mohamed adam

    Aufgegeben von  in Kanada Forum  

    I would like to apply to canada how posible,i am graduate BA Sri lanka MBA USA ,i having exp.restaurant manager 4y currently working in Dubai as a Office Admin,please help me to enter to canada



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    Dear Diana,

    I am very much thankful to your reply and yes I do agreee what you wrote for problem with dreamers. Anywys since I am totaly unaware about the procecure like other so everything is new for me.
    I will definately ping you again when I need your help again with regards for the canadian processs.

    Once again thanks for replying to my query and making me aware of few of new things.

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    Problem with dreamers, they can't see the facts even if it is right in front of them, they are heart blinded.

    Canada is not running a charity. One of the acceptance factors Canada requests that any immigrant to bring in 11k confirmed by a bank letter for some countries or statements for others, depending on the visa office. If you don not have that amount your application will be rejected.

    Anything other than this is false.

    Ofcourse if you have that amount and you don't fit the profile, you will be rejected too.

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    you can check this website http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp. this is more credible than what's shes saying, financial capacity is one of the key factors that will sustaion you for the next 6 mos on living/ finding a job in canada. Your working in a legal agency and you cant even answer right.

  • Aufgegeben von  in Kanada Forum  

    it is not just about points, you need to have ample financial resources.
    If you want to immigrate Canada requests that you bring in 11k for an application for a single immigrant, so if you don't have that money, move on.

    immigration to Canada is just like anyother country in the world, you have to send an application in and pay application fees, this is the procedure.


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