Platanio Plattern

معلومات عني

Platanio Plattern
 Platanio Plattern
معلومات عني:
I am Italian and I live in Tuscany. I work on ICT, but my real passion is sailing and beekeeping. My dream is to live in New Zealand ..... I am looking for friends and contacts to help me to make the big jump to NZ. Greetings to all PP - Sono italiano e vivo in Toscana. Mi occupo di ICT ma la mia vera passione è la vela e l'apicultura. Il mio sogno è quello di poter vivere in Nuova Zelanda..... Cerco amicizie e contatti che mi aiutino per poter fare il grande salto. Saluti a tutti
الإقامة في:
English, Italian
البحث عن:
الأصدقاء, معارف العمل
New Zealand, Tuscany


Computers/Internet, Sailing/Boating, Travel/Sightseeing, Scuba Diving, Skiing, Swimming, Apicultura/Apiculture